Figure[White to move]

As usual, before you make any moves you want to be mindful of what you attack—what enemy pieces or pawns are targeted by yours, and with what significance. Here White’s bishop and knight both attack the Black pawn on c5. The knight also attacks the pawn on b4. The attack by the bishop is of greater immediate interest because the bishop can impose pins. We therefore look not only at what it attacks but at what lies behind what it attacks, and here we see that behind the c5 pawn is a bishop—and it’s loose. So if the c5 pawn moves, White takes the bishop; in other words, the pawn is pinned. When you find a pinned pawn, look to what it is supposed to protect that may now be easy prey. In this case the pawn protects another pawn—the one on b4. White takes it with his knight, winning a pawn.