Figure[White to move]

What Black pieces are loose? All of them: rook, bishop, and queen. What sort of shape is Black’s king in? Not so good: once more it is stuck in the corner behind its own pawns with no defenders on the back rank. Rd8 would be mate if it weren’t for the Black queen defending that square. This fact should ring a bell: the queen is preventing mate. So White looks for a way to build a double attack against the queen and something else. The natural second target is the loose rook. White can play Qe5 or Qe3, attacking both queen and rook; these moves look brazen, but if Black plays QxQ White plays Rd8 and it’s mate (after Black uselessly interposes his queen and rook and White’s rook takes each of them). So Black responds to Qe5 by retreating his queen to avoid mate—or, better, by moving his bishop to e6 to block the attack. White then wins the rook.

The initial step in all these positions is to see if you are anywhere near threatening mate—and this includes mate threats that would exist if it weren't for the enemy queen. These can be hard to notice because mate looks so impossible. The queen prevents it, and your mind stops there. But now you will be more likely to spot such cases anyway because you realize what they mean: the queen itself can become a fine target.