Figure[White to move]

Most of the skewers we have been studying have used the queen; this one is an exception. We know the White rooks on the same file create a powerful battery. One reason is that they can push around a king: one drives the king off of its rank while the other provides cover or seals off other ranks. Begin with a check, of course, and there is only one that keeps the battery intact: Re2+. Black’s king must evacuate the second rank. If it moves to the third rank, White imposes an immediate skewer with Re3+. If the king instead moves to the first rank, White continues with another check: Re1+. This drives the king back up to the second rank. Now White’s second rook drops down to e2, and both the first and second ranks are off limits to Black’s king. It must move to the third rank, creating the kernel of that same skewer. Now White plays Re3+, and after the king moves, RxQ.