Figure[Black to move]

Black again has lots of queen checks he can consider, but it will be more efficient if you look for White pieces lined up together or other patterns that can guide your experiments. White’s king and queen once more are on the second rank. These are the making of a possible skewer even if Black obviously is in no position to impose one yet. White’s king would need to be pushed out at least two squares, and Black’s queen would need to get behind it. On the other hand, Black has a queen and bishop both close to White’s king, and as we just saw this may be enough to allow you to control its movements with some precision. Play with your checks and see what can be done. Since we’re trying to drive the king away from the side of the board, a check on the h-file is indicated: Qxh4+, requiring White to play Kg1. (Notice how Black’s bishop again seals off other flight squares.) Next? Keep taking advantage of the bishop by sidling the queen up closer to the king: Qh1+. The king is forced onto f2, and the pattern for the skewer is in place: with a pair of queen checks Black has moved White’s king over two squares. Now he can play Qh2+, and when White’s king moves off the second rank his queen is lost. Black’s bishop plays the same dual roles here that it did last time.