Figure[White to move]

First pattern to see: Black has three pieces on the same light-squared diagonal, including his king. This suggests a possible pin or skewer, especially when you see that your light-squared bishop is ready to go to b5. Three Black pieces is too many, though, so White simplifies them in the same fashion seen in the previous frame: with a capture. He plays RxB; Black recaptures KxR, and now Bb5 gives check and takes the rook on e8 after Black’s king moves. (If the rook weren’t loose, the sequence would be a wash.) Incidentally, RxB was White’s only capture at the start of the position; and after Black replies KxR, Bb5 is one of only two possible checks. So the position comes apart easily enough using the traditional method of examining checks and captures and the follow-ups to them. This nevertheless is a case where the visual pattern on the board is apparent enough that just seeing it is probably the most efficient way to conjure up an attack on Black’s position.