Figure[White to move]

Inspect the position for loose pieces and you find the Black knight on c6. White has no safe way to check the king and attack the knight at the same time (Qe8 would do it, of course, but Black’s queen guards the square). So next White looks for a way to attack the knight while threatening mate. Look for another White piece trained on a square near the king. Here we have a classic example that we will see several times in this section: White’s bishop is attacking a square next to the Black king (h7). If White’s queen moves in front of the bishop on the same diagonal―i.e., to g6―then White threatens mate on the next move: Qh7#. So Black will have to address the threat created by Qg6 by moving his king or bringing over his queen. Meanwhile Qg6 also attacks the loose knight. So after Black makes one of the replies just described, White plays QxN and takes the knight for free. Think of this as a double attack on the knight and on the h7 square.