Figure[White to move]

Now Black is threatening to play the same move we saw Pillsbury use to transfer his bishop from the h-file to the f-file: Bg2+, then after White plays Kg1 he is hit with the discovered mate Bxf3. In return for his queen sacrifice Black has established this very strong threat, but since his last move was not a check White has a chance to put up a defense. Things get a little complicated here; the details of White’s various possible responses (e.g., Qd3, Rd1, or Rg1) and Black’s best replies to them are more than we want to cover and are discussed in detail in many other sources (Weeramantry’s book has a fine explanation). The point of presenting this much of the game is to show you the sacrifice that caused this pattern to be named after Morphy, and to let you see how the basic position for the mate can be reached even from the unpromising beginnings as we saw in the previous diagram. But in case you want to play it out, the entire sequence went 1. …QxB; 2. g2xQ, Rg6+; 3. Kh1, Bh3 (pictured here); 4. Rd1, Bg2+; 5. Kg1, Bxf3+; 6. Kf1, Bg2+; 7. Kg1, Bh3+; 8. Kh1, Bxf2; 9. Qf1, BxQ; 10. RxBf1, Re2; 11. Ra1, Rh6; 12. d2-d4, Be3; 13. Resigns to avoid Bxe3, Rhxh2+; 14. Kg1, Reg2#. (At the sixth move Morphy could have ended the game more quickly with Rg2+; 7. Qd3, Rxf2+; 8. Kg1, Rg2+; 9. Kf1, Rg1#.)